The last week or so has been intense, both professionally and personally, which is why I haven't blogged much. I felt I needed to though, to vent and share.
So many changes are happening -- they are both fun and challenging. We have a few exciting dates coming up, but to play it safe, we're gonna "mums the word" until it gets closer. EEEEEK, I'm sooo excited though! Other than that, Elijah has been having some major growth spurts. Poor lil' guy is teething, which sparked a fever, rash, little sleep for both baby and I and a very cranky lil' guy. However, minus the pain, it's kind of exciting that his lil' teeth are getting ready to break skin. I'm can't wait to see his cute smile become even cuter! Ironically, the last two nights are the first couple of nights that he has slept from 8pm to 6am. He has always been a great sleeper (Thank God!) but usually wakes up for a 2am feeding. Perhaps because he's getting older, that 2am feeding isn't as necessary to him. Not sure if this is an anomaly, but Avin and I have been LOVING the full night's sleep -- although I wake up at every lil' sound and movement he makes. I can't shut off the "mommy" sense, no matter how much sleep I may want or need. Elijah's personality is also evolving and I fall deeper in love with him daily. He just has a way about him. Something that I just can't get enough of. I truly don't remember my life before him.
Work has been kicking my ass. And although I love my job (most days) and absolutely applaud the mission of the agency and how it is in line with my own missions/goals and objectives as they apply to social change, social welfare and preventative services for families and children -- I have been working long days and getting more and more aggravated that it's keeping me away from Elijah. I had a few really bad days over the past few weeks that made me tempted to quit! If I only I could win the lottery... perhaps I should start playing? Sigh. It's a catch. Everyone has good and bad days at work, and I have to remind myself that I'm not alone in that realm. As for now, I'm here and working hard at preventing abuse, neglect and death in Sacramento County's most vulnerable group, children.
I hope you all have an amazing Friday!
Friday, February 3, 2012
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