Copyright © While They Sleep

Thursday, October 4, 2012


As my son gets older - he is now 16 months old - I am excited for all that comes with parenting and toddlerhood. I always here people frowning upon this time in our childrens lives. I get it - tantrums, fights, their at an age where they are testing us - "the terrible two's." I firmly believe that it's only "terrible" if we make it so. I don't look at this age as a negative step I will undoubtingly go through. I look forward to it.  Elijah is growing so fast. I remember when he used to fit into my arms - his entire body. Now his long legs dangle over my arms.  It makes me sad to see his infancy passing by but I'm also excited to watch him grow. My son is so much fun!

As I did during my pregnancy, I continue to research, read and explore ideas I can incorporate into my family, with my son, my home, etc.  As a sociologist, researching comes with the territory. 

Lately, I've been pinning like crazy (pinterest) and I've found a ton of great resources I'm pinning related to toddlerhood.  Here are some great activities I think parents with toddlers will enjoy! Try them out, and leave a comment, if you get a chance, and tell me what you think!


Disciplining WITHOUT Yelling

10 Chore Ideas For Toddlers

50 Activities Just For Your Toddler

100 Ways to Entertain a Toddler

How-To Teach Your Toddler All 50 States (numbers, ABCs, etc)

Make Edible (cool whip) Paint! - Great for Babies and Toddlers!

10 Creative Ways to Make Time For Your Kids - Great for working/busy parents!

Sensory Play For Kids

5 Things To Help In Potty Training

Play Through the Day - Great blog with toddler activities by an early childhood educator!

Best Tantrum Tricks!

15 SUPER FUN Baths for Kids

How To Teach Your Baby To Swim!

Here's a fun fall craft you can do with your toddler - all you need is paper, water colors and their cute hand/arm!!!
Pinned Image

To see all the other great things I've pinned in regards to kids, follow me on pinterest and check out my "KIDS STUFF" board (link to follow me is on left-hand column) :)


"To see life through the eyes of a child is to be truly free" - Anonymous.


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